Hello, I'm back to you ......
In my first article in the new year, go into a type of holiday that in recent years has found much appreciation to you travelers: The Cruise !!
Especially last year, the main shipping companies flying the Italian flag, or Costa and MSC , have invested significant resources to upgrade and increase the routes especially in our beloved Tues Mediterranean, given the evidence rather than positive. Other foreign shipping companies have turned their attention in this macro, but in my opinion and after viewing their ships and services, not yet ready to scratch I think the leadership of our own.
The first route will go for about a Classic, or the Mediterranean Costa Cruise ; it is carried by ship Costa Concordia , inspired by the music , the rooms are bright and colorful customized with different musical notes characterize the atmosphere. The secret of its beauty is the variety of styles. Aboard Costa Concordia all surprising, drag, fun and excitement never ends with the Grand Prix Simulator, a spectacular outer deck with glass roof and movies at night, the theater with a unique technology that delivers maximum sound quality. To give you moments of well-being is then Samsara Spa, with its Oriental rituals and its magical atmosphere.
The departures will from the ports of Catania, Civitavecchia and Savona , here are the schedule of departures:
April: 11-18-25 by Savona/16-23-30 from Palermo / 17-24 from Civitavecchia
May: 1-8-15-22-29 by Civitavecchia/2-9-16-23-30 Savona/7-14-21-28 from Palermo;
June: 4-11-18-25 by Palermo/5-12-19-26 by Civitavecchia/6-13-20-27 from Savona;
July: 2-9-16-23-30 by Palermo/3-10-17-24-31 by Civitavecchia/4-11-18-25 from Savona;
August: 1-8-15-22 - 29 by Savona/6-13-20-27 by Palermo/7-14-21-28 from Civitavecchia
September: 3-10-17-24 Savona/4-11-18-25 from Civitavecchia / 5 -12-19-26 from Savona;
October: 1-8-15-22-29 by Palermo/2-9-16-23-30 by Civitavecchia/3-10-17-24-31 from Savona;
November: 5-12-19 by Palermo/6-13-20 Civitavecchia/7-14-21 from Savona.
cruise itinerary : Spain Balearic Islands, Spain and Tunisia.
Day 1: PALERMO (Italy) boarding at 11:00 - departure 13:00.
Day 2: CIVITAVECCHIA / ROME (Italy) Arrive 8:00 am - Departure at 19:00.
Civitavecchia port is a very dynamic and modern, devoted to light traffic and the movement of passengers towards the Tyrrhenian islands, but continues to maintain the original structure of the Roman port . Privileged to call a break between the wonderful memories of the historic Roman and Etruscan civilization , includes a center and a decidedly medieval valuable and well preserved.
Day 3: SAVONA (Italy) Arrive 8:00 am - Departure at 17:00. On the heights of
Savona, a farm between gardens and orchards, there is also the home of Colombo, one of many scattered throughout Liguria, since there are many citizens who assume the honor of having given birth and home to the great navigator: Genoa, Terrarossa of Moconesi, besides the same Savona. But if there is an important monument of this city, rich in history and activities related mainly to its port, this is undoubtedly the Priamar , the castle overlooking the fortress at the airport and that, for some years, has been restored. E 'on the promontory of Priam, who established the first community would ally Carthage against Rome, described as early as 205 BC by the Roman historian Livy as "Savo Oppidum Alpinum.
Day 4: BARCELONA (Spain) Arrive 13:30 pm - starting at 19:30. The
Gothic is the oldest part of town, dominated by the magnificent bulk of the cathedral this is where the headquarters of the Picasso Museum in Carrer de Montcada, the world's richest for the amount of works of the great teacher. Incomplete, but beautiful, too Park Guell, also by Gaudi : it had become a residential garden city. The
shopping is an integral part of a day in Barcelona's most beautiful antiques and are reasonable in the central Gothic Quarter or Pueblo Español, a district of the most charming and picturesque city. Between a walk and the other should be the tasting of typical Catalan dish: Paella a la the Parcellada , a risotto flavored with saffron, fish, seafood, beef and chicken and vegetables to be enjoyed with a good wine Early English and, perhaps, by Sangria fresh, aromatic wine enriched with sugar and orange juice and lemon juice.
Day 5: PALMA DE MALLORCA (Spain), arriving at 8:00.
Very characteristic is the so-called historic district of Pueblo Espanol , as well as an interesting tourist destination, are also Caves of the Dragon, whose legend, like any self-respecting path caving, is cloaked in mystery and fascination. The caves stretch for several kilometers underground and partly open to visitors, in a very unique musical path, leads to impressive size rooms and some of the many underground lakes, from which the tunnels are very rich. Famous for activities beach and water sports, Majorca offers excellent dining opportunities: as the places with a strong tradition of tourism Mallorca offers international cuisine, but it is advisable to try the local level, typically Mediterranean, which has its characteristic ingredient in a sauce made of local herbs and vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers), fried whole, they are accompanied many fish dishes, among which the best known and established, are the lobster stew and caldereta de peix.
Day 6: PALMA DE MALLORCA (Spain), departure at 01:00.
Day 7: Hammamet (Tunisia) 07:00 am arrival - departure at 20:00.
The most important place of worship Tunis is the Mosque of the Olive , the largest and most revered Islamic shrine in Tunis, his first built in 732, but certainly the current building was rebuilt by Hafsids between the thirteenth and fifteenth century . In the prayer room you can admire the ancient Byzantine columns and mihrab decorated with stucco exterior, the 44-meter high minaret, built in 1894, is the reference point in the hour of prayer of all Muslims city. Tunis boasts historical figures that now the whole country, are assumed the role of genuine legends: one of these is undoubtedly the Princess Aziza, whose real name was Fatima, daughter of Othman Dey. Famous for its good works, reached the end of their lives, freed all his slaves and gave all of its assets to various charities. The graves of Aziza, the father and of his servants are exquisitely carved in marble, while the front is decorated with ceramics.
also very beautiful park of the Belvedere although, undoubtedly, the heart of the city's commercial life is the Kasbah, with its maze of stalls, alleyways and shops where the bargaining is not only a must, but it becomes a kind of show. The Bardo Museum
, after the Egyptian in Cairo is the most important of all the ' North Africa and contains primarily the largest collection of Roman mosaics in the world. The museum consists of six sections, prehistoric, Punic, Roman, pagan, early Christian, Arab - Muslim. The collections are exhibited on three floors.
Day 8: PALERMO (Italy) Arrive 08:00. Many
then the excursions offered in each city to learn more I'll be at your disposal to contacts below:
Corrado Cama
Skype: corysub
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