Sahara Tunis
no region is a little joke from the Tourism that contains unique natural beauty of its kind thanks to the incredible variety of countries ggi desert that can offer an attentive visitor. Due to boom tour of the nearby Li bia, at the turn of the years between '96 and 2000 this region was not involved by massificaz ion tourism Sa hariano, and even today it has almost completely intact and devoid crowding phenomena that characterize the regions Saharan most classic thanks to strict military restrictions that govern the access know. This trip starts where the common end holidays, and leads to a Sahara that still knows how to give unique emotions of introspection and reflection, silence and wind : The Land of Sands Blank.
The almost total absence of tourism has also gra n part safeguarded the indigenous peoples in these lands still transhuman along caravan routes and unchanged from time immemorial. Nafoussah Tuareg of Libya M'razigh Alge rini, Wergammha, R'baia graze their herds in the clearings among the dunes Djebil in large expanses east of Bir Pistor or huge valleys interdunarie around Zemle et Bhorma.
historical relics of immeasurable charm cos brother across the region and between Remada Tiaret, Berber villages abandoned by the irrigation around centers along the now deserted caravan dating from Fezzan. Archaeological sites extend into the unknown wilderness, where whole forests of Euphorbiaceae fossils rising from the sands like ocher banners, away from prying eyes from unsuspecting travelers on their way to the south. Wind eroded sandstone peaks that rise like cliffs besieged by a gigantic tidal wave of white sand just steps from the slopes most popular, offering vantage points imaginable. Then wells, abandoned wells or not, with their ancient and recent history of men and thirst , their legends, their marabouts.
The Tunisia
is being proposed for some time and with increasing strength as a destination for travel and holidays, especially summer and predominantly marine. But Tunisia is also another, and part of its beauty and its you sori are far from the sea. What I propose is a voyage to the Tunisian desert, the ' Eastern Erg , a route for both lovers of the desert and its atmosphere, is neophytes. Recommended in the fall and spring (Summer temperatures can exceed 40 degrees).
The different shades of sand from the Erg Oriental puzzle form a color unique to the triumph of the white hills of El Bordij Kadhra, where the magic of the great ghurdas sinuous sand-colored to pale moon is reflected in the waters along the reeds of a lake, cobalt, where the silence reigns or, a few miles from Libya and Algeria Gadamesh na Deb Deb.
All space or empty and vast desert is not named by mistake. In the south Tunisian not need to travel for a long time to fully immerse themselves in the Sahara. A Douz, the original city and special aspect of his combative tribes of Mrazig, the Sahara is on the threshold of your hotel. The desert is there, all around you. The horizon that offers appeal to you. In the region of great courses, the silence is g mainsails immensity is a call to start. So concern? Recall? And 'the invitation to dive into the wilderness you affascina.Il desert is not without the sea buoys nor splashdowns more passing to the path and remove time, unless you get to draw precise routes. There the Mehari await you. I invite you to safari starting in the immensity of the great routes, guaranteeing the delights and the extraordinary joy of adventure, with the necessary security well to navigate camel, true vessel Sahara, in the depths of sand. The exoticism is total. There are three deserts, sandy desert mescolati.Il stubbornly rising towards Douz, where the wind sculpts the sand dunes shaped by regular haunts Saharan Africa. The salt desert, where you can see absolutely no soul, but only of the castles reflections on specular surfaces of crystals, created by the illusion. The desert steppe of gray, where appears a strange vegetation, ranging from broom tamarind. Here the air is pure and light. The space does not reveal anything except the immensity of the void: there you find out. The vacuum becomes a sensation. At the intersection of the slopes between the dunes and hills, endless road meets will shepherds, wanderer, not too hurried and camel herds of camels on the horizon that's cut on the bottom as rock paintings. From time to time one can see the oasis as remote islands in an ocean of sand. The Sahara is boundless. The joy of adventure and great when you feel far from danger. As the Tunisian Sahara is one of the great outdoors among the safest.
All space or empty and vast desert is not named by mistake. In the south Tunisian not need to travel for a long time to fully immerse themselves in the Sahara. A Douz, the original city and special aspect of his combative tribes of Mrazig, the Sahara is on the threshold of your hotel. The desert is there, all around you. The horizon that offers appeal to you. In the region of great courses, the silence is g mainsails immensity is a call to start. So concern? Recall? And 'the invitation to dive into the wilderness you affascina.Il desert is not without the sea buoys nor splashdowns more passing to the path and remove time, unless you get to draw precise routes. There the Mehari await you. I invite you to safari starting in the immensity of the great routes, guaranteeing the delights and the extraordinary joy of adventure, with the necessary security well to navigate camel, true vessel Sahara, in the depths of sand. The exoticism is total. There are three deserts, sandy desert mescolati.Il stubbornly rising towards Douz, where the wind sculpts the sand dunes shaped by regular haunts Saharan Africa. The salt desert, where you can see absolutely no soul, but only of the castles reflections on specular surfaces of crystals, created by the illusion. The desert steppe of gray, where appears a strange vegetation, ranging from broom tamarind. Here the air is pure and light. The space does not reveal anything except the immensity of the void: there you find out. The vacuum becomes a sensation. At the intersection of the slopes between the dunes and hills, endless road meets will shepherds, wanderer, not too hurried and camel herds of camels on the horizon that's cut on the bottom as rock paintings. From time to time one can see the oasis as remote islands in an ocean of sand. The Sahara is boundless. The joy of adventure and great when you feel far from danger. As the Tunisian Sahara is one of the great outdoors among the safest.
From Gabès on the left coast, there goes into the desert and the landscape becomes gradually more arid. Stage comp ata along the route is the village 'troglodyte' of Matamata , houses cut in the rock and well-known name to film lovers, because in this ancient village b Erber George Lucas in 1977 turned the first Star Wars saga.
After Matamata, which is one of the last towns, it will be easier to meet
dromedaries are human beings along the 250 km of desert landscape that there's absolutely epa Rano from the oasis of Ksar Ghilane , the main door sull'Erg Eastern point of departure and ar stream of desert rallies. We advise you to stay Ksar Ghilane least two nights to enjoy the silence, the colors and flavors of the desert. Here you will find only tent encampments, the more comfortable and 'luxury' is definitely the P ASEAN is good to book early.
After this' bag no
'desert is time to return, but the trip has not yet been completed. Climb north towards K ebili, the village overlooking the Chott El Jerid , the great salt lake that separates us from Tozeur, our last stop, was also sung by Franco Battiato. Traverse 200 km of Chott el Jerid is like traversing a lunar landscape, an infinite horizon and changing, which T ozeur and an oasis of date palms appear like a mirage.
After this' bag no
The great Sahara, just as we imagined, with its infinite spaces, its bright colors, with dunes that fit far into the sky, and mirages. A caravan of camels walk slowly in search of life. And after the sweetness of the desert island of Djerba , with the spontaneous smile of its people, its colorful fishing port, the villages that doze in the sun, the vast beaches, fish restaurants!
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