the month of February starts the cycle of cooking classes which will be held at the headquarters of the gs Floriagafir - Gardens Bellariva Lungarno Aldo Moro.
Four evenings dedicated to all those who returned home after a day of work and little desire (or time ...) to get in the kitchen, are tired of giving in to the call of the usual pizza or take-away pasta with tuna ... will be my task to try to tease the cook in you through a series of quick and easy recipes, dishes that will alternate in the pan of meat, fish, vegetables etc.. All prepared by the participants live together and then tested in combination with the right wine.
Program classes
Monday, February 1, 2010 20:00
Lesson 1 - The first courses
Monday, February 8, 2010 20:00
Lesson 2 - Dishes Unique
Monday, February 15, 2010 20:00
Lesson 3 - The second fish
Monday, February 22, 2010 20:00
Lesson 4 - vegetarian dishes
The inscriptions are calling the secretary of the district 2 (Federica Tucci) at 055-2767828.
The cost of four lessons is € 130.00 per person.
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